Good vibes only.

It is a snowball effect. When you combine the best people with the best culture and environment, it creates a certain vibe. A good vibe attracts challenges which in turn attract better people.

Berit Põldoja

The friendly one. Analyzes. Everything.

Berit Põldoja

Project manager / Analyst

[email protected]

Birgit Plakso

Extremely broad-minded and eager to learn. Loves challenges!

Birgit Plakso

Software Developer

[email protected]

Dan Bondarenko

Believes that true beauty is in the code. Always learning something new. Always!

Dan Bondarenko

Software Developer

[email protected]

Daniel Lakatos

A perfectionist Hungarian engineer driven by curiosity.

Daniel Lakatos

Software Developer

[email protected]

Dmytro Kapustian

The challenge cracker. Codes from Kyiv.

Dmytro Kapustian

Software Developer

[email protected]

Jan Eerik

Funny and polite. Really, really smart. And really really tall.

Jan Eerik

Tech Lead

[email protected]

Johanna Kammiste

Gives everything creative a try, but loves order. Both shy and outgoing. A bit paradoxical.

Johanna Kammiste

Software Developer

[email protected]

Jurgen Herzmann

A true problem solver. Easygoing heart of the team. And a true vespa soul.

Jurgen Herzmann


[email protected]

Kaarel Kastehein

A guy you can count on. For everything. Especially for lemonade.

Kaarel Kastehein

Software Developer

[email protected]

Kadir Aktaş

Quiet but funny. Very funny. If he does talk then it is very interesting.

Kadir Aktaş

Software Developer

[email protected]

Kadri Kasterpalu

On maternity leave.

Kadri Kasterpalu

Head of Marketing

[email protected]

Liisi Henno

Friendly and highly driven. Loves stress. The positive kind.

Liisi Henno

Software Developer

[email protected]

Marek Salurand

A curious person who enjoys challenges.

Marek Salurand

Software Developer

[email protected]

Maret Vaabel

Creating positive vibes with her infectious laugh. Doesn’t sugarcoat things and is great at multitasking.

Maret Vaabel

Software Developer

[email protected]

Marius-Julius Urva

Sports-loving, positive guy! Loves travelling, innovative ideas and all things green tech.

Marius-Julius Urva

Project Manager/ Analyst

[email protected]

Markus Peterson

The calm one. Like really-really calm. And very good at what he does.

Markus Peterson

Software Developer

[email protected]

Martin Nõukas

Bright guy. Always has a joke. Or a song. Or an idea. Or just something to say. Or sing.

Martin Nõukas

Software Developer

[email protected]

Martine Päi

The happy one. Passionate about design and inspired by success stories.

Martine Päi


[email protected]

Michel-Daniel Litvak

Realistic yet artistic. Speaks many languages. Tells many jokes.

Michel-Daniel Litvak

Software Developer

[email protected]

Mihkel Martin Kasterpalu

The night-owl. Bright and enthusiastic. About everything.

Mihkel Martin Kasterpalu

Software Developer

[email protected]

Nikita Petuskov

Loves world. Loves everybody. Loves coding.

Nikita Petuskov

Software Developer

[email protected]

Norman Saarso

Superactive happy-guy. Who has a purpose. Always. And goes for it. Also always.

Norman Saarso


[email protected]

Raman Shapoval

A man with a plan. For work. For snowboarding. For fun.

Raman Shapoval

Tech Lead

[email protected]

Rauno Tali

A true gentleman and gifted musician. He always delivers!

Rauno Tali

Software Developer

[email protected]

Riin Veskioja

The clever one. Who knows what she wants. To garden for example.

Riin Veskioja

Software Developer

[email protected]

Semjon Greef

Straight-forward ping pong guy. Who is always singing.

Semjon Greef

Software Developer

[email protected]

Tanel Kosk

The mysterious guru. Invisible. But always there.

Tanel Kosk


[email protected]

We are exceptionally proud of our team. Not just because they are great at what they do but because they are nice people who vibe well together. Building a connected and happy team is as important as building a solid solution to a client. Attitude over skills. Skills can be learned. Attitude you have.

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Our clients

clients matter.

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The era of Collaboratory
has just begun.

Few news are worth popping-up on your screen for, but this is definitely one of these announcements.

We are excited to share the greatest of news - Singleton and our partner companies have opened the door to the Collaboratory and we’re joining forces under the name of Civitta. We in digital just gained some powerful allies: advisory, innovation, and funding, while Civitta will benefit (greatly) from our relentless pursuit for digital excellence.

Beep! Our systems and services are already integrated - prepare your business for all encompassing impact!